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What type of insurance do you accept?
Our clinic accepts Health Care Voucher. We also work together with AIA and Bowtie insurance company. Please ask your insurance whether your physiotherapy sessions are covered. We will provide invoices/receipts for your sessions with us. If required, please bring along the insurance documents you require us to fill.
我們接受醫療券,我們都有和 AIA 及 Bowtie 合作。請詢問您的保險公司是否承保您的理療課程。我們將為您與我們的會話提供發票/收據。如果需要,請攜帶您要求我們填寫的保險文件。

What is your new patient procedure?
If this is your first time with us, we will go through a comprehensive assessment with you. The assessment may involve filling in a short questionnaire, asking about your medical history, and examining your muscles and joints. This help our physiotherapists create a tailored treatment for your condition. It is recommended for you to wear or bring comfortable and non-restricting clothings for your assessment.
如果這是您第一次與我們合作,我們將與您一起進行全面評估。評估可能包括填寫一份簡短的問卷、詢問您的病史以及檢查您的肌肉和關節。 這有助於我們的物理治療師為您的病情量身定制治療方案。建議您穿著或帶來舒適 和非限制 供您評估的服裝。
Do I need a doctor's referral?
Yes. The referral should not be more than 3 months old. If this is your first time booking with us, please bring your doctor's referral for physiotherapy with you on your first visit with us.
做物理治療是需要醫生轉介信的。轉介不應超過 3 個月。如果這是您第一次與我們預約,請在您第一次就診時攜帶您的醫生轉介進行物理治療。